Australia is the only continent which is located in the southern part of the globe. Ktksim Australia is divided geographically into two regions:
The earliest inhabitants of the indigenous Aboriginal peoples, who migrated to the continent since 60 thousand years from south-east Asia, when the shallow water around and allow its members to unrestricted travel by sea. And then went up the surrounding waters, which isolated them from coming to contact the original Bmutnhm and have become isolated within the new continent. This was unknown to the outside world until the 17 century. These immigrants were gatherers and hunters, fish did not raise pets. They set fire to till the land where the clean, and to enable the growth of fresh grass, and to attract kangaroos and other animals to Istaduha. The dams were living water, changing water streams, and control exits the swamps and lakes, ponds for the breeding of fish in fish farms.
Although the Bedouin people, but during the last 3000 years was associated with change accelerating in the land of stone, using machinery. The Australians, who practice the ancient trade with the distant continent. Twaimwa and with environmental factors and the characteristics of their culture and civilization. When her grandfather, the European men in the late 17 century there was a continent of more than 250 languages in circulation. Medmha and extinct in the early 19 century. The human groups are bilingual or multilingual. These groups were called clans.
With the arrival of foreign settlers, said the number of indigenous people due to ethnic cleansing and genocide, they were exposed to a veto and the emergence of infectious diseases that could not have acquired immunity against it, and ill-treatment, which was treated by the European colonizers. The first European settlers arrived in South-East in 1788. Where they established a British settlement of the City of Sydney has developed in 1787. After the continent became a British settlement in the 19 m century. The Murray, Australia, civilization in the far south of the continent on Jarlnj and Murray rivers. Miihama of floods and water-ice melting. And the lakes, including Lake Mungo, where the structure was found around human Obargen first. The girl, age 26 thousand years. The skulls were found on the A 13-year-old skeleton and a human being and Mungo man Jmahm like China.
The earliest inhabitants of the indigenous Aboriginal peoples, who migrated to the continent since 60 thousand years from south-east Asia, when the shallow water around and allow its members to unrestricted travel by sea. And then went up the surrounding waters, which isolated them from coming to contact the original Bmutnhm and have become isolated within the new continent. This was unknown to the outside world until the 17 century. These immigrants were gatherers and hunters, fish did not raise pets. They set fire to till the land where the clean, and to enable the growth of fresh grass, and to attract kangaroos and other animals to Istaduha. The dams were living water, changing water streams, and control exits the swamps and lakes, ponds for the breeding of fish in fish farms.
Although the Bedouin people, but during the last 3000 years was associated with change accelerating in the land of stone, using machinery. The Australians, who practice the ancient trade with the distant continent. Twaimwa and with environmental factors and the characteristics of their culture and civilization. When her grandfather, the European men in the late 17 century there was a continent of more than 250 languages in circulation. Medmha and extinct in the early 19 century. The human groups are bilingual or multilingual. These groups were called clans.
With the arrival of foreign settlers, said the number of indigenous people due to ethnic cleansing and genocide, they were exposed to a veto and the emergence of infectious diseases that could not have acquired immunity against it, and ill-treatment, which was treated by the European colonizers. The first European settlers arrived in South-East in 1788. Where they established a British settlement of the City of Sydney has developed in 1787. After the continent became a British settlement in the 19 m century. The Murray, Australia, civilization in the far south of the continent on Jarlnj and Murray rivers. Miihama of floods and water-ice melting. And the lakes, including Lake Mungo, where the structure was found around human Obargen first. The girl, age 26 thousand years. The skulls were found on the A 13-year-old skeleton and a human being and Mungo man Jmahm like China.